Should PaperSpigot be added as a software? 11
Yes (9) 82%
No (2) 18%
Undecided (0) 0%
What is PaperSpigot ?
High performance Spigot fork that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies.
The important thing is that they are all an Application that runs the server, download if you plan to start your own server, but i would recommend some more research about it as its not a easy process, especially if you wanna do it for free using your computer.
Feature Removals
The only notable Paper feature removal for 1.12 is the removal of the "enable-old-tnt-cannon-behaviors" patch.
While we are always sad to see a feature leave Paper, there are a few things that should be noted about this removal:
- This feature was written specifically for Minecraft 1.8 and has not worked reliably since then
- The code that drove this feature was almost completely undocumented and difficult to maintain
- The contributors that submitted this change to us are no longer regular contributors
- Most servers that demand this feature do not actually keep up-to-date with the latest Minecraft version
- We are open to its return in the future
We did, however, keep the feature that forces TNT to not move in water. It is now called "prevent-tnt-from-moving-in-water" and will be enabled by default for those of you had the old setting enabled.
Tell me if I need to write more clarifications.
PaperSpigot nedir ?
PaperSpigot "Aquifer" isimli yapımcılar tarafından "Spigot" üzerine kodlanılmış türdür.
Kendi sayfalarındada belirtildiği üzere "Spigot" a oranla daha iyi performans alabileceğiniz ve optimizasyon problemlerini çözebileceğinizi sağlayan bir spigot türüdür.
PaperSpigot'un Faydaları Nelerdir ?
PaperSpigot belirtilenlere göre,
Birçok hatayı,çökme problemlerini düzeltmek üzerine kurulmuştur.
"Spigotun Çatısı" da denilebilir bir nevi. (Çatı olmazsa, ev ne işe yarar?)
Birçok kişinin sorduğu "Sunucum sebepsiz yere çöküyor" probleminide engellemekte. (Panelden bakıyorsunuz /crash yazıyor sunucunuz çöküyor /crash komudu engelliyorsunuz ama yinede çökertebiliyor. İşte bu problemin çözümü budur.)
ما هو PaperSpigot
PaperSpigot "Aquifer" هو نوع مشفرة على "Spigot" من قبل المنتجين المشهورين.
كما ذكرنا في صفحته ، إنه نوع من الذيل الذي يسمح لك بأداء أفضل من "Spigot" وحل مشاكل التحسين.
ما هي فوائد PaperSpigot
وفقا ل PaperSpigot ،
تستند العديد من الأخطاء على تصحيح مشاكل الانهيار.
يمكن أن يطلق عليه "سقف Spigot". (إذا لم يكن هناك سقف ، ماذا يفعل البيت؟)
كثير من الناس يسألون "خادم بلدي هو تحطم بدون سبب" مشكلة. (أنت تنظر إلى تقرير التحريك / التحطم ، حيث يتعطّل / يتعطل الخادم الخاص بك ، ولكن يمكنك تحطيم الحشد.