Removing Worlds

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  • Hello Devs!

    I've been struggling to remove the generating current world even though i already have existing one in my server.


    I started my server and it run out time and i can't enter the server. So i decided to "restart" it and tried it again. But when i played Minecraft and i entered the server, A DIFFERENT WORLD APPEARED and the existing world we're playing were gone! So i looked back to my server and the world that i entered on that time WAS A DIFFERENT RANDOM GENERATED WORLD. I tried to delete that world in the "Files" tab and tried it again. But it's still happens!

    The existing world we're playing was the: "rocketnihintapan" one. We had lot of progress we've done there.

    How can I remove the random generated worlds and play our existing one again? Please help me THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  • Rename it on your PC and then upload it again

    try this -

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  • Roman

    Closed the thread.