[TIP] How to customize EssentialsX messages :D

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  • Hey you! yourself, have you tried to customize the essentials messages and failed?
    I may have a solution:

    1- if you create a file called "messages_en.properties" inside the essentials files and put some translation in there and you can customize and reload you can move the essentials messages!

    2- for you to put the right messages inside the file, just download the essentialsx of the same version through spigot and if you extract it you will have access inside it or you download it somewhere else ... I don't know :P

    3- if you want to customize it with any color you need to use the "Unicode color" system it is practically the same as you use the "&" or "§" with some different color format only you have to use "\ u00A7"

    I hope I helped :3 <3

  • I think most of the players who come across that config file are all aware the default unicode, so they won't be able to make mistakes such as adding & in it. There are not much ppl make that dumb mistakes tho

    Btw great tutorial :thumbup:

  • MiataBoy

    Closed the thread.