but now when I try to join the serv it says "unable to connect to the world"
Pls help!
Check out this article also-
Learn more about this change here.
For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
but now when I try to join the serv it says "unable to connect to the world"
Pls help!
Check out this article also-
so I started a server with decent plugins on it but I searched out that is there a way to crossplay (bedrock to java) because most of my friends use bedrock edition.
And I found the plugin GEYSERMC then I read the instructions and installed it on the server! But eventually when I tried to join with pocket(bedrock) edition the the following error message pops up saying "Your username has illegal characters" something lik that even tho I m using the correct version 1.18.31 which supports plus my username has legal characters only a-z_0-9
Pls help!🙏
Check out this article this might be helpful to you
but due to technical issues aternos only provides 2500-2600MB ram only!
Which isn't enough to support a server with 40-60 addons & 4 resourcepacks
you can try removing some plugins and the number of worlds you have, and also their tick speed unused ckunks etc..
Ir check this article-
also my friends don't want to play 1.19!
You can add the latest version of Via backwards, version and rewind so that ppl can join your server from 1.9.x to 1.19.x!
which version of the plugin you are using?
I recommend using the latest version of the plugin compatible with your Server version
Login or Sign up | Aternos | Free Minecraft Server
*Make sure you have Vault and EssentialX installed.
*After you add all permissions as mentioned below 👇
Then Type /sreload (which reloads the plugin) rather than using /reload (which reloads the whole server) as it may sometimes crashes the Server and probably it can crash/break some plugins.
*Add these permissions in luckperms and apply it on your server->
1) EconomyShopGUI.shop (permission allows users to use the shop)
2)EconomyShopGUI.shop.<section> (gives user Access to open a specific shop section by its name)
3)EconomyShopGUI.shop.all (Gives you permission to open all shop sections)
4)EconomyShopGUI.sellall (Allows you to use the sellall command)
5)EconomyShopGUI.sellall.<section> (Gives access to sell items in a specific shop section using the /sellall command)
6)EconomyShopGUI.sellall.all (Allows users to sell items using the /sellall command to all shop sections)
7)EconomyShopGUI.sellallitem (Allows a users to use the /sellall <item> command)
8 EconomyShopGUI.sellallitem.<section> (Allows users to sell items using the /sellall <item> in specific shop sections)
9)EconomyShopGUI.sellallitem.all (Allows users to sell items to every shop section using the /sellall item command)
10)EconomyShopGUI.sellallhand (Allows to use the /sellall hand command)
11)EconomyShopGUI.sellallhand.<section> (Allows users to sell in a specific shop section with the /sellall hand command)
12)EconomyShopGUI.sellallhand.all (Allows users to sell items using /sellall hand to evey shop section)
13)EconomyShopGUI.sellgui (Allows users to open the SellGUI)
14)EconomyShopGUI.sellgui.<section> (Allows users to sell items using the /sellgui command in specific sections)
15)EconomyShopGUI.sellgui.all (Allows users to sell items to all shop sections using /sellgui)
Hope this helps
Hello, Aternos. I want to delete my thread on the server list but I don’t know how.
You can't delete your own thread,
But a user can create a new thread after 7 days.
Step1). Go to server properties find the option resource pack set it to true.
Step2). Upload the resource file in dropbox, create a link copy it and paste it in the box name resource pack URL and set the dl=1 or it won't work.
Then your resource pack should run. And I don't know what why they said becoz of aternos...
hope it helps
So I'm playing in 1.18.2 in a server my friend and i run, right? i noticed that the render distance is really small no matter what i do. i saw in a post about 6 months ago saying that i have to go to server.properties, but when i went there i didnt see anything on render distance. is the function gone now or something?
Go to server properties and there will be an option name View distance just try to increase it or you may read this article for more info->https://support.aternos.org/hc…w-render-distance-and-fog
everyone who joined my server was instantly kicked and given that error
I don't know then what could be the main reason I have to search it out in web
it worked!thanks a lot!
Not_Nathoux lost connection: Internal Exception: net.minecraft.network.PacketEncoder$PacketTooLargeException: PacketTooLarge - PacketPlayOutMapChunk is 3851497. Max is 2097152
Help what is this??? Can anyone help me
Check out this article this may help you -> https://support.aternos.org/hc…72-Connect-to-your-server
Display MoreEver since my friends entered the Nether, the server's RAM usage has been nearly full, it is causing lots of lag. I do not know a way to fix this other than removing some mods or making a new world.
I have seen some other threads about RAM, I know that you can't get more. However, is there any way I can lower RAM usage?
some server details:
Software: Fabric modloader 0.13.3 for Minecraft version 1.18.1
Mods amount: 22
check out this article also ->https://support.aternos.org/hc…rticles/360027350792-Lags
share you server log using the share button
Internal Exception: io.netty handler.codec.DecoderException: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected text to be a string, was ab object ({"fi...t"})
I hope it helps
Internal Exception: io.netty handler.codec.DecoderException: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected text to be a string, was ab object ({"fi...t"})
Or you may check out this article on how to connect to your server —> https://support.aternos.org/hc…72-Connect-to-your-server
Internal Exception: io.netty handler.codec.DecoderException: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected text to be a string, was ab object ({"fi...t"})
Try to join using The DYN IP
Hallo, wo finde ich das Plugin /sethome /home Plugin? Hab das vorhin gesehen, das es damals "geaddet" wurde, allerdings blicke ich da nicht so ganz durch wo ich das genau finde, kann mir wer da eine kleine Anleitung schicken?
You can try using paper or spigot software to download plugins .
At first change your software to paper/spigot
-> https://aternos.org/software
i recommend you using paper. Then search for plugins option in side leftbar -> https://aternos.org/addons/
Then you can search for plugins, for adding plugin you want on your Server just click on that plugin and install the latest version as it has all fixes and all.. but make sure that the plugin you are adding is compatible with your version.
if you want sethome/tpa + other useful commands in one on your Server i would recommend using essentials and EssentialX. thus, it contains essential commands.
Or you can just add specific plugins to your Server by searching for it...
For more information on installation on plugins you can visit -->
Remember not to add too much plugins or your server may ran out out of ram, tps may slower etc..For more info on lags visit this-> https://support.aternos.org/hc…rticles/360027350792-Lags
Regards Gamerzboyplayz
German -> Hallo,
Sie können versuchen, Plug-ins mit Papier- oder Spigot-Software herunterzuladen.
Stellen Sie zunächst Ihre Software auf Papier/Zapfen um
-> https://aternos.org/software
Ich empfehle Ihnen, Papier zu verwenden. Suchen Sie dann in der linken Seitenleiste nach der Plugin-Option -> https://aternos.org/addons/
Dann können Sie nach Plugins suchen, um das gewünschte Plugin auf Ihrem Server hinzuzufügen, klicken Sie einfach auf dieses Plugin und installieren Sie die neueste Version, da es alle Korrekturen und alles enthält. Stellen Sie jedoch sicher, dass das Plugin, das Sie hinzufügen, mit Ihrer Version kompatibel ist.
Wenn Sie sethome/tpa + andere nützliche Befehle in einem auf Ihrem Server haben möchten, würde ich die Verwendung von essentials und EssentialX empfehlen. daher enthält es wesentliche Befehle.
Oder Sie können Ihrem Server einfach bestimmte Plugins hinzufügen, indem Sie danach suchen ...
Weitere Informationen zur Installation von Plugins finden Sie unter -->https://support.aternos.org/hc…026950892-Install-plugins
Denken Sie daran, nicht zu viele Plugins hinzuzufügen, da Ihr Server sonst möglicherweise keinen RAM mehr hat, tps möglicherweise langsamer wird usw. -->
Grüße Gamerzboyplayz