Thank you dude
Learn more about this change here.
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Thank you dude
Install PremissionX Plugin or PowerRanks etc...
Lade die Welt herunter. Extrahiere die Welt aus der Zip-Datei. Löschen Sie dann den Ordner "world / players". Mach die Zip-Datei erneut. Laden Sie die Welt auf den Server hoch
Deutsch My bad
Hast du das Worldguard Plugin? or Essentials Antibuild.
Are you using multiple worlds or singular?
What would be the benefit from other subdomains which also contain our name?
Everyone gets tired of taking the same ip but we do more with the new ips.
That's your opinion. Some other users even want to display a complete plugin list. I think we have a good compromise.
So if you make such a button in the settings.
Why do you need this?
Need for plugins. Groupmangar, MenuX etc ...
Quote from RomanUpload or world instead. (Why jpg?)
Needed to create pictorial hologram and upload Skin file
Quote from RomanWhat?
I stumbled accross Waterfall which claims to be an optimized version of BungeeCord. This is apparently what the /r/2b2t server uses so it has some merit.
Stability: Waterfall aims to be stable. We will achieve this through making the code base testable and discouraging practices that lead to proxy lag.
Features: Waterfall aims to include more features than canonical BungeeCord.
Scalability: Waterfall should be able to handle a large number of concurrent players, given a reasonably modern CPU, memory, and good network connection.
Quote from RomanWhy do you need this?
ANSI Most characters but UTF-8 supports all characters and emoticons.
I am trying to make my presenter 100% Turkish.
There is this character in Turkish (ç ü ğ ş ö ı). Does not support ANSI.
Quote from RomanYou can add resource packs with plugins. Why do you need rcon, use our web console?
I tried, but it did not
Best Regards
wrong link. this link Heal on Kill plugin.
Please fix your link.
impossible to add
Please do it with another request please? Don't interrupt someone who are trying to request a plugin
I do not bother. it was just missing. I completed the request
he did not write the description
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: AudioConnect
Plugin link:
Description: AudioConnect can provide truly unique and immersive gameplay with music, sound-effects, soundscapes, voice-over, or any kind of audio.
Thank you!
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Simple Elevators
Plugin link:
Description: Ever wanted a simple, lightweight plugin that let's players teleport up and down? Well that's oddly specific but this is the plugin for you!
Thank you!
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Rosetta Stone [Language Barrier Breaker]
Plugin link:…ge-barrier-breaker.55570/
Description: Rosetta stone allows players to select what language that chat messages from other players will be displayed in. All players will see the same message, just translated into their selected language
Thank you!
Plugin name: Player Emotes
Plugin link:
Description: Cool in chat taunts, actions, and other fun things! Includes option to make your own!
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: AnimMOTD
Plugin link:
Description: After seeing all the plugins for bungee that allowed animated server icons and MOTD's I thought I'd do the community a favor and release a free one.
Thank you!
It gives an error on the console can be
Exactly. Thread Is not it in the wrong place.
Features you can add:
Best Regards
Apply These Rules
Change the subject name to "[Plugin Request] LiteBans"
Change the description. write what I write.
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: LiteBans
Plugin link:
Description: LiteBans is a lightweight banning plugin supporting UUIDs which allows temporary and permanent bans. When a player changes their Minecraft name through Mojang, they will still keep their bans, mutes, and warnings.
Thank you!
Best regards
What the heck?! This is a stupid thread
It's not stupid. Novice does not know how to do it
Plugin Name: Vehicles
Plugin Link:✈️vehicles-no-resourcepacks-needed.12446/
It is forbidden to ask for a paid plugin. It's illegal.
Please read the Rules: How to write a (good) plugin/modpack/mod request
Roman, Can you turn off the Subject.
I know you need chat plugins