This one should work with all of them:
Posts by Amgelo563
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1.16.1 Papermc is still being developed and should only be used for testing purposes, I'd recommend switching to Spigot (which seems to be more stable) or Vanilla.
Define "unplayable", do you mean bugs/lag/crashes?
If you weren't able to find one, what makes you think they'll take their time to search, find it and add it.
Also, I'm pretty sure queue plugins are meant only for bungeecord networks or big servers, which are not compatible with Aternos.
... unless all people in all around the world stay at home
-and use Aternos at the same time
Try from another browser.
If you're using 1.8 or higher you will need EssentialsX; you can download this one: which will include EssentialsXChat, EssentialsXSpawn, etc.
if aternos got 21000000 then i dont really think it only would be 500 players/servers that quit. it would more be like 1000000, i did'nt tought that aternos had that much players without skript.
this is just a shame but i understand why you wont add this and lose much players.
Skript has been outdated on Spigot since 2014, so I don't know what you mean with "you will lose customers", as it's outdated already for years. There's no "you will" anymore.
btw can i ask how minehut can have skript for 1.15.2 and always got the new version of everything and how you dont got it? what got minehut more than aternos?
Check this post: Less limits to where the Plugins can come from
There's a workaround for this though. You can install this plugin: which for some reason their author left inside a copy of the Skript plugin. So when you download it, Skript gets downloaded too. Just remember to delete everything you might not need except Skript.jar.
You may want to report that to Fabric support, as Aternos is unable to repair that.
As you said, looks like an issue with AdvancedRocketry, maybe using backups will help.
Bungeecord won't be added (at least not on the foreseeable future) as it's meant for networks, and Aternos is not. A quote from one of the Team members:
Quote“We don't add BungeeCord because it is just not needed for what we provide.We provide servers for private use, a single server for you and your friends. If you want to create a big game server network we are not your host”
Looks like no mod or team member looked at my message :SadCat:It's a known bug from Forge 1.16.1 (remember that it has just came out), just wait until Forge releases a fix.
If you want to "close" the server so nobody can Start it when you want, you're probably making some dangerous settings, so what you can do is create a "Test" server (Create a backup on your main, and use that backup on the Test account so all files are copied). And whenever you finish and know everything is safe to load, just make another backup and apply it to the main server.
That way you can:
1. Do what you described.
2. Keep your server safe as you're not applying changes directly, you're doing it on a test server.
3. Don't bother your friends with "I'll be making changes, don't start the server on at least one hour".
Maybe have an option then to save a log or to send a log through gmail? So that only if people want then they can have the previous logs
In order for that to work, they would still need to store the old logs.
If you're talking about sending your current log, you can just copy and paste it somewhere on your pc and that's it.
I already suggested that to the Team a long time ago, and their response was that reads the data directly from the log, so they would need to add a line to the log so can read it (which would be impossible or very difficult to do).
Plus (I happened to think about this after a while), is not a service used only for Aternos, and there's no way to verify when a log is being used for Aternos' servers and when not, so if someone happens to upload a log that loads for 10m and then stops, it would give a false positive of "Your server took too long to start" or something like that (which wouldn't make any sense at all if you're not using Aternos).
1. As far as I know there's no way to enable that due to copyright reasons.
2. As you mentioned already, Aternos doesn't offer FTP, so the ability to download your files would generate a lot of complaints of the kind "what's the point of downloading my files if I can't upload what I modified", and yes, as that might be useful for people who want to switch to host to their own, the first reason (or maybe even more out of my knowledge) applies.
Could a message or a warning saying "Console is only available while your server is online" be added so new people can know that?
It looks quite obvious but some people still don't get it (specially the ones who are just starting to use their server).
no u