Hi Aternos team, if you would kindly take the time to look at this modpack I'd like to request to add it to Aternos
Technic page: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/mcnewhorizons.677387
Official Website: http://www.gtnewhorizons.com/
Server files: http://downloads.gtnewhorizons.com/#ServerPacks
Description from the Technic page:
What does this pack have to offer?
Everything you do is tied to GT(Greg Tech) as it should be. I'm using my own mods GT New Horizons Core Mod (for items) and Minetweaker GT Addon allowing me to use various GT machines I wouldn't be able to otherwise. You can also look forward to TiCo, Railcraft, Forestry, Extra Utilities, Openblocks, AE2, Buildcraft, Galacticraft with many addons, Gendustry, Steve's Carts, Open Computers and many others.
Many mods are carefully tied to Thaumcraft. Its addons like Forbidden Magic, Automagy, Thaumic Tinkerer, Thaumic Exploration, Thaumic Horizons etc. are also modified. When you've progressed enough you can reach Witchery or even Blood Magic.
Using Realistic World Gen along with Biomes'o'Plenty creates a wonderful terrain. With Twillight Forest (that you need to conquer to reach endgame Thaumcraft), Galacticraft and other mods the server has over EIGHT dimensions. Rogue-like Dungeons and HEE with other mods' worldgen make sure you got some goodies to find.
Hunger Overhaul, Pam's Harvestcraft, Special Mobs, HEE, Infernal Mobs, Lava Monsters, Zombie Awareness. Do I need to continue? You want to roam the land and kill everything in sight with ease, build a highly advanced MagicTech base and raid all the dungeons in Minecraft? Sure, you can. You got a long journey ahead though.
Food is a thing in the pack during starting days, you cant see at night time w/o potions/effect. Some passive mobs explode on death, other mobs can be infernal. You'll die A LOT. Use a good strategy. Progress in magic and tech should be equal, and have the patience to read the entire readme and not use the TL;DR
Anyways I hope you guys will find time to take a look at this modpack, been playing it for awhile and overall it is a great modpack with adventure, hardcore level to the max, and just a really fun modpack to play. Hope you guys get to adding this to the website. Best of luck!