This is a StaffMode Plugin forked from BGHDDevelopment - The Formor Author.
Commands & Permissions
/staffmode or /staffgui(allias:/sg)
(opens gui)
/staffmode help
(Lists Commands, Perms, Info)
staffmode.gamemode(Gamemode Menu)
staffmode.tools(Tools Menu)
staffmode.time(Time Menu)
staffmode.effects(Effects Menu)
staffmode.servermanager(Server Manager Menu)
staffmode.adminitems(Admin Items Menu)
staffmode.difficulty(Difficulty Menu)
staffmode.mobs(Mob Menu)
staffmode.trolls(Troll Menu)
staffmode.mobmanager(Mob Manager Menu)
Note: Op Players will get all Perms!
All Perms Are To Open Each Menu
Inside The Main Gui!
Pls add i made this plugin my self its bug free you could test it

Plugin Request UltimateStaffMode(1.8 - 1.12.2)
- English
- Plugin
- Zachstyles
- Closed
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Plugin has no ratings.
+ Not popular -
But i have tested it
it works perfectly i made it today so there is no popularity
The plugin must have a rating.
thats unfair
i don't know, it could be added though. It's just my opinion that aternos wont add unpopular/unrated plugins
Closed the thread.