Plugin Request SavageFactions- A Free FactionsUUID Fork

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  • Name: SavageFactions- A Free FactionsUUID Fork


    SavageFactons no longer is an addon, I have turned the plugin into its own standalone fork. This means it is FactionsUUID + SavageFactions in ONE Plugin. So if you have installed the plugin before, delete savagefactions.jar as all the features are now included in the factions.jar provided in the download!


    Simply Drag n' Drop the Factions.jar into the server plugin directory, and restart server.

    FactionsUUID > SavageFactions

    Switching is simple! Back up your Factions Folder just in case.

    1. Replace your current Factions.jar, with the one provided in the download

    2. Delete config.yml in the /plugins/Factions folder.

    3. Restart your server

    Click HERE for plugin statistics



    • Crop upgrades - Crops have a chance to grow two stages instead of one in your claims.
    • Spawner Upgrades- Spawners have a higher chance to spawn an extra mob in your claims.
    • EXP Upgrades- Mobs drop a higher amount of exp in your claims.

    [Blocked Image:]


    • Clickable f map, larger map.

    [Blocked Image:]


    • FactionsUUID's f perms not setting bug fixed

    [Blocked Image:]


    • Powerful new vault system!
    • Faction Vaults can be aqquired using the /f getvault command
    • Once placed, the faction can remotely access it using /f vault
    • If another faction claims, or the vault is broken, the command will not work anymore.

    [Blocked Image:]


    • Factions near command, works similarly to /near found in essentials
    • However it only shows players that are in your faction


    • Factions can set a quick warp in wilderness or in their land using /f checkpoint set
    • Useful for setting warp points without having to claim land to set a warp


    • Factions fly system, faction leaders can configure if allies, enemies etc or if members mods etc can fly in faction land in the /f perms gui
    • Fly disable when enemies close by


    • Ability to set faction rules, players can use /f rules to view the rules when they join.
    • Subcommands are /f rules add <text> ,/f rules set <line> <text> , and /f rules remove <line>

    Pls add…-factionsuuid-fork.52891/ I <3 :aternos:

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.