Hi, aternos team.
I want following plugin to be added.
Click here to see the plugin in SpigotMC overview page.
'A interestiing mini-game who coming from ‘Garry's Mod’ now released and for minecraft. More Information: How to play Murder Mystery? Well, before the game starts, you must wait, when game starts she automatically will give you one of these ranks: Murder - What are he doing: He kills other players as chases them or mask as a innocent and then kill them. Detective - what are he doing: After the game starts, in his inventory he have a bow, he must shot the Murder with the bow, but if he shot a innocent he dying and the innocent too. innocent - what are he doing: He must hide from the Murder. After the game starts he have a compass in his hand, this compass show to his where have a gold. With this 'gold' he can buy a bow and can shot the Murder and won the game. Interestiing things in the requested plugins are, when a detective dies, he lays on the ground and a innocent can get the bow from his hand.'
I don't check these plugins that exists on aternos.org.
- Apache2 or NGIX2 installed.
- PHP5+
- MurderMystery 2
Is this plugin is from via external site?
- No.
More information to the plugin:
- This plugin is the free (lite) version of the plugin Murder Mystery 2
Created/Recreated with JosephGP. The plugin is webinterface
I hope this request to be added.
If this plugin will be denied, please give me reason 'why'.