[Plugin Request] Survival Plus
Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following plugin?
Plugin name: Survival Plus
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/survival-plus.67351/
Description: SurvivalPlus adds new mechanics, items and tools to enhance vanilla gameplay mechanics.
This plugin is great for Minecraft Survival servers looking to make their game more challenging and enhance the player experience.
Originally this plugin was created by FattyMieo a few years back. When I noticed the plugin was no longer maintained I decided to bring it back to life. At first I was updating it work on 1.13.2 but then I wanted to take advantage of all the fun new stuff in 1.14and push this plugin even further. I also wanted to note that FattyMieo has offered to help me keep this plugin alive by contributing when he can. I'm very grateful to have him along this journey with me since he created such an epic plugin the first place.
Thank you!
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