Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the latest dev build of the following plugin?
Plugin name: Protocol Lib
Plugin link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/
Description: Protocol Lib is required by many other plugins. Please add the latest version so 11.4 servers can have plugins that require this?
"Certain tasks are impossible to perform with the standard Bukkit API and may require working with and even modifying Minecraft directly. A common technique is to modify incoming and outgoing packets or to inject custom packets into the stream. This is quite cumbersome to do, however, and most implementations will break as soon as a new version of Minecraft has been released, mostly due to obfuscation.
ProtocolLib is a library that allows read and write access to the Minecraft protocol. It handles most of the overhead required with reflection and channel injection and provides wrappers to simplify packet modification. It is updated with most Minecraft updates so, ideally, individual plugins don't have to. ProtocolLib often doesn't need to be updated for minor updates, especially if there are few code changes (i.e. the 1.8 security updates) "
Thank you!