Hi team, can you please add the following plugin?
Individual Signs
This plugin displays the text on signs for each player individual differently.
By default this plugin only replaces [PLAYER] on signs with the name and [DISPLAY] with the nick name of the player looking at it.
The permission nodes to create signs containing those tags are insigns.create.player and insigns.create.display.
However InSigns also includes an API for developers of other plugins to easily add own player-specific sign content.
This plugin could for example be used for individual greeting signs at your spawn. Your players will be amazed to see their own name on a sign!
This plugin needs ProtocolLib to work.
Make sure you have installed the right version of ProtocolLib.
This plugin should stay compatible with further versions of minecraft and bukkit as long as ProtocolLib doesn't have to change anything on it's API which InSigns is relying on, and the minecraft protocol isn't changing anything sign-related.
Thank you!