[Modpack Request] Curse - Ragnamod V

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  • Hi Aternos team,

    Today, I present you a new modpack of the french team "Team Patrick".

    The summary of the modpack :

    "Ragnamod V is the fifth season of our adventure, more than 260 mods and now with 1800 quest, tech mods, magic mods, farm mods... The perfect recipes to have a good time :)

    A minimum of 8 GB of RAM is recommended for best performance.

    Note: The Questbook is made to have the choice between French and English.

    For the moment all quests are present but all descriptions are not, so stay tuned for updates to get new descriptions in the Que

    stbook !

    Also, at this moment, only English is available."


    Links :

    Ragnamod V

    Server Files


    Edited once, last by Thisen: Links forgotten ().

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.