[Mod Request] Orespawn

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  • Hello Aternos team :aternos:

    Can you please add this mod "Orespawn"

    Link: http://www.orespawn.com/


              With Girlfriends, Krakens, Mobzilla, Zoo Cages, huge swords, tons of new ores, new plants, powerful new royal dragons, tons of dungeons, and new Dimensions, OreSpawn has been called "One of the best mods, ever". Every detail has been integrated and calculated to bring a new, vibrant life to the game. It's not just a game any more. It's a whole new living breathing world. Grab your sword and get ready for an adventure. BRING IT:!:

    Thank you for reading this!


    The Orespawn mod at the "Mod"

    says "No compatible versions found"

    If theres a way to download this mod please tell me!

    Thank you for reading!

  • Amzingdoge

    Changed the title of the thread from “[Mod Request]” to “[Mod Request] Orespawn”.
  • Roman

    Closed the thread.