[Modpack Request] Rebirth of the Night

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  • Hello Aternos Team, can you please add the Modpack "Rebirth of the Night"?

    Link to the modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/min…f-the-night/files/2831740

    Rebirth of the Night is a modpack inspired by Whitelight's critique on Minecraft and how it could be improved. So, this modpack takes Whitelight's ideas and brings them to life in the form of a modpack. This modpack improves survival gameplay and makes improvement on conquest progression. This modpack utilizes the very best that the Minecraft modding community has to offer, yet it still retains the feel of vanilla Minecraft.

    NOTE: I do know that there was a request made for Rebirth of the Night before, however, the user did not give you the server version of Rebirth of the Night. (the link above leads to the server version of Rebirth of the Night)

    Thank You!

    Edited once, last by shibez: Changed it so it fit the parameters of writing a good modpack request ().

  • shibez

    Changed the title of the thread from “{Modpack Request] Rebirth of the Night” to “[Modpack Request] Rebirth of the Night”.
  • Roman

    Closed the thread.