Crazy Craft 3 Fix and Request

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  • Hello Aternos Team,

    can you please add back the modpack "Crazy Craft 3"?

    Crazy Craft 3 is a crazy modpack where you can fight krakens and hostile mobs with massive health ranging from 100 to 300 health! It includes amazing and unique mods such as Orespawn, Inventory Pets, and MrCrayFish Furniture mod! I know Crazy Craft 3 was removed before because it was broken so check down below to fix Crazy Craft 3.

    Thank you Aternos Team!:aternos:


    Fix for Crazy Craft 3.

    1. Use the technic launcher instead of VoidsWrath, you can find the pack called "The New Crazy Craft 3.0.2."

    2. Removing Youtuber mods seem to clear most of the server load, to find them you must go into roaming, .technic, and open modpack. Find the modpack and open mods, scroll down and delete 2 Youtuber mods, now hopefully this can fix the problem with Crazy Craft 3.

  • DocGoose49

    Changed the title of the thread from “Crazy Craft 3 Fix” to “Crazy Craft 3 Fix and Request”.
  • Roman

    Closed the thread.