so hi i have this idea so we can make worlds Multi verse so if i make plugins folder on each world and add plugins does it gonna work separiting plugins thing

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- FantomFancyIsSlicky
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That's 100% not gonna help you.
that's suggest if aternos would do that Players Will be happy
Make it Like a Beta Thing
if it's not gonna work then removeit
It doesn't make any differences, plugins folder is not supposed to be placed in the world folder.
We dont develop spigot/paper or multiverse. We cant add something like that.
I also dont think that storing Plugins in the world folder is generally a good idea
oky that was a idea but okay then
but if i make folders in plugins folder
There is a plugin that can limit other plugins to certain worlds: (PerWorldPlugins)
However, this is absolutely not how plugins are designed to work. Plugins are extensions to the server, not to a world. PerWorldPlugins does a lot of hacky stuff that makes it work (kind of). But you can expect it to be buggy and unstable.
okay Thanks Kurt
It's Not For 1.16.1
Okay Then Lmao
You might be able to use permissions to achieve something similar. (You wouldn't actually limit a plugin to a certain world, but you could just prevent players from using the plugin's commands/features outside of a certain world)
Yeah That's The Main Reason I Had IDEA
Aternos doesn't develop those plugins, doesn't develop Spigot or Paper and doesn't develop the system on how the plugins work, ask the respective developers as Aternos only gives you the possibility to use what has been created already.
Closed the thread.