i have a tutorial to make a Custom Enchants In Vanilla in 1.9
for armor:
Example: Drunk
Repeating (purple) always active,unconditional:
/testfor @a {Inventory:[{Slot:103b,tag:{display:{Lore:[Drunk]}}}]}
Chain 1 (blue)always active,conditional:
/effect @a[c=1] slowness 5 0 true
Chain 2 (blue)always active,conditional(the second chain is optional this so you can add more effect):
/effect @a[c=1] strength 5 2 true
Weapons/When in held(works for all items):
/testfor @a {SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:diamond_sword",tag:{ench:[],display:{Lore:[Featherweight]}}}}
/effect @a[c=1] haste 5 3 true
Now you can make more enchant for yourself make as many as you want