Good morning.
After continuously dealing with this problem, I have decided to come by and maybe try to get some help at these forums.
See, upon trying to join an Aternos server me and my buddy play on, my game always crashes. And it's always this message that pops up along with the launcher:
The game crashed whilst unexpected error
Error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Exit Code: -1
Here is the full crash report: crash-2021-11-28_13.05.49-client.txt
I am running All Of Fabric 4 - 1.17.1 through CurseForge, and while I can load Singleplayer worlds, I crash during the load of a Multiplayer server. This has not always been the case though, but since these crash floods are occurring for the second time, I hope the folks here can help me out since it is a problem worth addressing.
I've tried pretty much everything that's shown itself to me while desperately trying to find a solution - resetting the server (which only helped temporarily, and here I am yet again, crashing.), assigning more RAM to CurseForge, repairing the files, restarting my laptop, praying to the Heavens above, messing around with the code, but it has all lead to no good.
If somebody knows what I could do, I'd appreciate that greatly.