Hello! I have an idea for you, you added the download of datapacks and I suggest doing this with plugins, do not rush to write nasty things, read up, so add this to plugins and check plugins from moderators or someone else, if the plugin is suitable, they approve, and if there is no crash or something else there rejected.

Add a download system with verification from moderators!
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- MrOxideYT
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Hello! I have an idea for you, you added the download of datapacks and I suggest doing this with plugins,
You can't due to copyright reasons and few other reasons.
You can't due to copyright reasons and few other reasons.
You didn't understand me, figs with him, you won't understand everything sooner.
You didn't understand me, figs with him, you won't understand everything sooner.
do not rush to write nasty things, read up, so add this to plugins and check plugins from moderators or someone else, if the plugin is suitable, they approve, and if there is no crash or something else there rejected.
What do you even mean?
Do you really think that reviewing every single file someone uploads is a good idea?
Even if we had hundreds of people working on that you would probably have to wait for hours until your file was reviewed.
That's not just an absolutely ridiculous amount of effort it's also a bas user experience.
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Closed the thread.