hi, i just wanted to know why the plugin popularity factor is a thing ? is it for security reasons, or something elese ?

plugin popularity factor
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- sulyvan
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Because there's no use to adding a plugin/mod/modpack that no one is gonna use.
well no effense thats the most brain dead arg i've ever heard, like the plugin could blow up at any time lmao
this is just so stupid
The chances of that happening are improbable.
maybe it is, but its just limiting once again limiting aternos's potential, at least allow us to upload plugins like minehut does, the community has been BEGING for this feature since 2017, there's just one point where you guys need to step up, otherwise aternos will just die.
aternos already have a bad reputation so for the love of god stop making it worse
1. Unlike Minehut, Aternos' main source of income are ads, we don't have extra funding to remove malicious software or have servers be online 24/7. That's why FTP isn't available.
2. Aternos won't die. The community has been begging for it for half a decade, Aternos is still here.
3. If you like Minehut so much then go switch. We're not stopping you.
4. Aternos has a bad reputation because people use it for the wrong reasons, it's not meant to be an actual host for actual servers. If Aternos' reputation is so bad then why are you here?
If you want such premium features then pay for a damn server. -
1. isn't exaroton from aternos ? and im pretty sure its paid, its not like they shove the money in their ass or smth
2. i already have prenium server so thanks im good, im just using aternos as a test server.
3. Minehut sucks ass it just haves this custom plugins feature, aternos is much better and it could be even more better if the developpers weren't braindead and actually inovate instead of implementing dumb factors like plugin popularity. if they're so lazy to control and remove malicious plugins, why don't they use APIs like spiget ? and im pretty sure it wouldn't go unoticed if a plugin would somehow make its way to spigot with malicious code in it.
4. if its not meant to be an actual host, then what its meant to be ? don't say "just for friends" cause even with 1 player online the server runs like shit. -
1. isn't exaroton from aternos ? and im pretty sure its paid, its not like they shove the money in their ass or smth
What you think exaroton servers pay for itself? Money from exaroton pays for exaroton servers.
dumb factors like plugin popularity.
Plugin popularity is there for the same reason FTP isn't allowed. People can just upload malicious plugins. And also it was said before; Why would the team add plugins that nobody will most probably use?
if its not meant to be an actual host, then what its meant to be ? don't say "just for friends" cause even with 1 player online the server runs like shit.
Yeah for friends, if your server runs badly with 1 player then that's not on us. That's either Java's bad optimisation or said one player putting too much load on the server. I've ran servers with 10 players loading their own chunks without problems. It is for friends, adventure maps, smps, etc.
im pretty sure it wouldn't go unoticed
People aren't perfect, APIs aren't perfect. It makes mistakes. Better safe than sorry.
why don't they use APIs like spiget
The Aternos team were LITERALLY THE ONES that provided spiget.
1. isn't exaroton from aternos ? and im pretty sure its paid, its not like they shove the money in their ass or smth
exaroton is financially independent from Aternos. exaroton does not fund Aternos.
We didn't make spiget, we provided servers to host it on.
instead of implementing dumb factors like plugin popularity
Considering that the uploading of custom files is not available, they have to host all the plugins, mods and modpacks themselves, but Aternos is free and it just doesn't have the resources to do this. And this introduces the suggest feature. As stated above, it's impossible for Aternos to support all the plugins available in Spigot/Bukkit, so users can just suggest the plugins they want and the system will decide if it's ok to be added or not.
if they're so lazy to control and remove malicious plugins
They are not lazy, it is just too hard to make a system that is able to detect code that could prevent the automatic server shutdown.
Minehut has different possibilities since their system works completely different under the hood. While Minehut is more like a classic Minecraft network (with a proxy and such stuff), on Aternos each Minecraft server stays on its own. Players are directly connected to the server, instead of a proxy. Both designs have their pros and cons.
im pretty sure it wouldn't go unoticed if a plugin would somehow make its way to spigot with malicious code in it
I'm sorry but this just doesn't make sense. Yes, it wouldn't go unnoticed, but if file uploading was a thing, you wouldn't be limited to plugins from Spigot/Bukkit, you could add literally every .jar file you could put your hands on. Do you really think there isn't a plugin/mod somewhere that bypasses Aternos limitations?
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