Hey guys, so when i click the button to install plugins, it works on every plugin, except Powerranks. I can click infintly and it wouldn't install Powerranks. Somebody knows how to fix that, btw i know i can use luckyperms but that's too complicated for me and Powerranks is perfect. Please help
Discord: OsixGaming#2370
Minecraft username: OsixGaming
Version: PaperMC 1.19.3

Powerranks plugin error
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- Paper / Spigot
- OsixGaming
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i have the same problem but im on paper 1.19.1
Its download links for newer versions on spigotmc seem to be broken?
So I just need to download a older version of it?
Sure that works.
Also, LuckPerms is very easy to use. It's definitely not complicated at all.
Sure that works.
Also, LuckPerms is very easy to use. It's definitely not complicated at all.
What luckperms is 100 times more complicated than powerranks
Also if i can ask how do you remove the [prefix] tag when u hook plugins nametagedit and powerranks it appears like [Rank]Player[prefix] and i wanna remove the prefix
What luckperms is 100 times more complicated than powerranks
Not true, literally just some clicks on the web editor.
Also if i can ask how do you remove the [prefix] tag when u hook plugins nametagedit and powerranks it appears like [Rank]Player[prefix] and i wanna remove the prefix
In the config file of the plugin.
Its download links for newer versions on spigotmc seem to be broken?
Not true, literally just some clicks on the web editor.
In the config file of the plugin.
even if i remove "Prefix" and i save it the file restores itself as if there is an error
Not us, the plugin creator has to fix it.
Ok, my problem is fixed, sorry to inform you people with the same problem, but i just switched to luckperms and it's actually easy to use + it's working better.
ah I forgot- here you go
Can't reproduce the issue.
1.10.5R2, 1.10.5, 1.10.4 installed without any issue for me.
Yeah it works now.
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