Hey aternos do you get plugins on other sites like pocketmine?
Example site:https://forums.pocketmine.net/plugins/
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Hey aternos do you get plugins on other sites like pocketmine?
Example site:https://forums.pocketmine.net/plugins/
yes they do
Hey aternos do you get plugins on other sites like pocketmine?
Example site:https://forums.pocketmine.net/plugins/
This page does not provide any API to automatically fetch the plugin information.
Also plugins on that site don't get updated anymore, since the last big change of the pocketmine development to official plugin repo is now poggit.
so what kind of sites do you accept?
Curseforge, Bukkit, Spigot, Poggit, and Glowstone
Correct me if there's more
Glowstone does not have any plugin repo. The rest is correct