Better mcpe plugins

The Aternos forums are now deprecated

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  • Aternos devs im gonna come right out and say it pocket mine mp sucks i cant even use the plugin I installed it for (its anti enderman btw) enchantments dont work banners dont work theres no nether or end please add genisys it’s literally pocket mine remastered its way better and think about it you have 3 java plugins 2 java modpacks but only one mcpe plugin and no mod packs mcpe players always get raw deal with servers and mods and worlds i just wish mojang will convert to bedrock to java please just give us genisys:aternos:

    • Official Post

    Quote from the official genisys GitHub Repo:


    Genisys is now no longer under active development due to its remaining developers do not wish to continue working with its mess, and it is now for the most part maintenance-only. If you wish to continue using Genisys, you may continue to do so, but its maintenance now primarily consists of cherry-picking from its re-activated parent project, pmmp/PocketMine-MP, and its stability leaves a lot to be desired. We recommend you move to pmmp/PocketMine-MP as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. This project will cease to be maintained once PocketMine-MP overtakes it.

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.