Your server list ideas!

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    • Official Post

    Hey hey! 8)

    It's been an idea for a long time but we finally want to start developing a server list for Aternos servers.

    We don't want to just start developing it, we wanted to reach out to you to ask for your ideas for

    a server list. Which features would you want? What tools would you like to present your server? How

    do you usually search for servers and what would help you to find the perfect server in a server list?

    We are really curious what ideas you have so that we can create an amazing server list for you!

    To boost your creativity we are giving away free headstart keys for the best three ideas!

    (Winners will be picked in a week from now)

  • Hi

    My Idea:

    pls make a list of online servers this is my ask and can you make timeout of server 15.00 mints ?

    THX !:):):aternos::aternos:

    There are no exceptions made, meaning that you will not have a 15 minute timeout but the standard 10 minutes.

    My ideas:

    1. The ability to set filters/tags on your servers ( for example a tag called Skyblock - which indicates that the server contains Skyblock. ) With a filter possibility where you can choose filters

    2. Either add two separate lists, one for offline and one for online, or have online servers above all offline servers.

  • Also here are my ideas:

    + Let users know which timezone (or location) setting

    + [If you can add this :)] For any owner of a server do not want to reveal the information, there should be something like disable the view of each info (Version, Software, or etc. in the future)

    2. Either add two separate lists, one for offline and one for online, or have online servers above all offline servers.

    Sounds like a filter to me xD. In this case, there should be a queue list too? :P

    Anyway, whether if my ideas are accepted or not, I just want to wish the Team to have the best luck to improve the service!


  • Hey here are my ideas:

    !. Sub Categorize the servers
    For example: PC/Java edition servers, Bedrock Editon servers and finally PE servers
    2. Provide a seperate classes for vanilla or modded servers.

    The player he/she whenever they are searching for a server finds their desired ones by using key words of their choice like if he/she wants to play modded they go under modded servers and try to find it in the server list or if they want to do vanilla find vanilla servers in there respectively, So i think this will help organize the servers more into different classes making it easier for the player to browse in the server list and find the server they like to play on.

    I hope you like my idea and it would be nice to see this implemented into the server list features.

  • My ideas/features i want:
    1-of course not all of aternos members want thier server to appear they just want it to be with some of thier friends so add option on options page to appear on server list and add ? icon beside it to make them all information they want to know about that option

    2-make able to tag your server with some tags like SkyBlock Survival RolePlay SkyWars Modded etc...

    3- be able to make what informations appear about his/her server like i don't want software or version to appear because i have ViaVersion or MOTD because i control my MOTD with Skript or MOTD plugin

    2-for tools we want like a list for Bedrock edition and one for Java edition and there like sort tool to sort by onlinetime/online now/offline/most unique members joined/members right now/most voted/etc... and like Josh said make Online servers above and in-queue in middle and offline at bottom by default (if he doesn't change sort settings)

    and thanks :*

    4- and be able to add discord of the server and any other social media (aternos choose which social media can be added)

    5- Voting system and as listed so player's can know if this server is good or not by other members and put top 10 servers

    6- complete customize your server settings on this page background of server (banner), name, Description, version E.G: 1.8-1.14.x, and any other settings available

    Image of what page would look like i designed it (i know it sucks i made it to see ideas visible):

    of course aternos can make better than it

    Post updated to include all ideas listed here in one post


    if my ideas is exaggerated so it is just "ideas" no need to add it all i just give me ideas list (which is big)

  • Definitely options to put your server on private

    and if it is on private then some kind of request system, that you can send an request for joining the server in that request you must introduce yourself and add why you want to join. Greetings from the Netherlands:)

  • Hmmm...

    1) Maybe creating an Official Aternos Server (commumity) ? That way people can gather in one place and chat stuff (even with staff if they can spare the time :P). Of course it should show as an "Official" server in the browser list. It can always be online, your call :)

    2) Adding rating/review/comments to each server ? Users/players can leave messages about their experiences in each server, that way community servers can grow, and being "Powered by Aternos" is a good "marketing move" for the team (marketing as to being more known among the MC community).

  • It would be nice if they were all servers, divided between minigames, survival, PvP, modpack ... with tags, set by a filter, and a system that allows players to restart the servers (obviously the server owner must decide whether to activate this function ), so that in the mini-game servers or in the common vanilla, the players can enter and play all together, perhaps with their friends. And the more user-initiated servers could be constantly created online by Aternos staff and receive a memory boost so that all players can play and have fun. I hope users appreciate my idea.:aternos::):thumbup:

  • Hi!

    I think;

    1- Discord ip for server.

    2- Website ip for server.

    3- Server is whitelist or no whitelist.

    4- Top 10 Aternos servers (with player voting or aternos idea)


                             DSNW | noip | 1.8.x - 1.12.x | HUB

                                          ^^ Discord: iTargetDS#6159 :P