[Mod/Modpack Request] TekTopia

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  • *Note: From what I'm have seen, this mod has been requested by multiple people, so if the Aternos's staff team has read them, please ignore the "mod" part skip to the "modpack" part (Also, I'm sincerely sorry that you have the posts which are similar to this)


    - Name: TekTopia

    - Link (curseforge) : curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tektopia

    - Description: Improve the old village, villager path-finding system and add new villager professions, building types and more

    - Wiki (for more info): sites.google.com/view/tektopia

    *Modpack (alternative) :

    - Name: TekTopiaPack

    - Link (also curseforge) : curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/tektopia-pack

    - Description: Contains only one mod (TekTopia)

    - Reasons (for choosing this rather than the stand-alone mod)

    + The creator (Tango Tek) has just released the mod for the public, so the hype from the fanbase is still pretty high

    + Similar to some mods (like Pixelmon Reforged 6.0.0 and older), adding TekTopia as a modpack will create a limitation on customization, but is going to prevent the incompatibility situation with some other mods that happens when added as a stand-alone mod (a.k.a less issues for your staff team do deal with in the future)

    And that concludes my request and opinion. Now, I want to hear your respond :)



  • PiggyN00b

    Changed the title of the thread from “[Mod/Modpack Request]” to “[Mod/Modpack Request] TekTopia”.
  • PiggyN00b

    Set the Label from Mod to Modpack
  • Roman

    Closed the thread.