Hi Aternos Team, can you please add the following mods?
Mod name: BuildCraft|Lib
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/buildcraft-lib
Description: This is normally included in BuildCraft|Core and BuildCraft itself. However this is available separately in case a mod depends on some of the library functionality without needing the items and blocks added by the rest of BuildCraft.
Mod name: BuildCraft|Silicon
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/min…c-mods/buildcraft-silicon
Description: The BuildCraft Silicon module contains all means of controlling your BuildCraft world in a more advanced manner. This module contains features like the assembly, integration & charging station, gates, lasers and more.
Mod name: BuildCraft|Robotics
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/min…-mods/buildcraft-robotics
Description: The BuildCraft Robotics module contains the means to automate your world to in the coolest possible way. With robots! This module contains features like robots (of course), the docking station, zone planner, map location and more. The BuildCraft Core, Transport and Silicon modules are required to run this module in your minecraft instance.
Mod name: BuildCraft|Builders
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/min…-mods/buildcraft-builders
Description: The BuildCraft Builders module contains means of manipulating the minecraft landscape, aiding you in mining, building and the copying and storing of structures. The Builders module contains the Quarry, Filler, Builder, Architect Table, Electronic Library and more.
Mod name: BuildCraft|Energy
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/min…mc-mods/buildcraft-energy
Description: The Buildcraft Energy module contains the resources and machines needed to create Redstone Flux, including the Stirling Engine, Combustion, Oil and Fuel. Kinesis pipes are available in the Transport module. To refine oil either the Factory module or the BuildCraft Additions mod is required.
Mod name: BuildCraft|Transport
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/min…mods/buildcraft-transport
Description: The Buildcraft Transport module contains the tools to automate the movement of items, fluids and Redstone Flux across your world. This module includes features like pipes, facades, lenses and filters and the Filtered Buffer.
Mod name: BuildCraft|Factory
Mod link: https://www.curseforge.com/min…c-mods/buildcraft-factory
Description: BuildCraft Factory module contains all low tech automation available in BuildCraft, helping you in the fluid manipulation, fluid storage, basic auto crafting and more.
Thank you so much.