mod to install
- English
- strykerz_2_0
- Closed
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You are viewing the archive for plugin/mod & modpack requests.
Plugin-, mod- and modpack requests are no longer done through our forum. Instead, can request plugins, mods and modpacks here:
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1. it wasn't found
2. Provide an actual valid link to the mod,
3. Follow the guide on how to make a proper mod request:
How to write a (good) plugin/modpack/mod request -
Its probably not even popular enough
the link is not bug
I believe you don't understand.
The link leads nowhere on curseforge. Please give us the correct link.
I believe you don't understand.
The link leads nowhere on curseforge. Please give us the correct link.
It's definitely his mod, He uploaded it without having curse forge approve of it, he thinks the link works but it doesn't. There is no other explanation
the link works but it has 1 download
sorry very sorry
It's for my server
I don’t think aternos will add the mod to your server only
I know
then why ask
because the other servers will also have access to this mod -
Moved the thread from forum Mods/Modpacks to forum Archive: Plugin/Mod/Modpack Request. -
Closed the thread.