Plugin name: Skript
Description: Skript is an useful resource full of essentials features that is a must-have for almost every Minecraft server nowadays. Skript provides server owners ability to create virtually almost anything they want in plan English sentences without any coding knowledge.
Hello Aternos,
I wanted to install Skript for my server, however I noticed that you are using outdated builds from DevBukkit/Spigot, which are no longer working and doing a quick lookup for other Skript update threads shows me that you only support DevBukkit and Spigot plugins, however in Skript's case, this is a problem.
I would suggest the Aternos team to make an exception in this case, because Skript is an essential plugin for many servers. The GitHub is an official fork of the Skript plugin and is being updated regularly. Skript versions from DevBukkit or Spigot are not being updated anymore, but on the GitHub, they are. The GitHub fork is maintained by a group of people that have been working with Skript for years and they know what they're doing. I assume you do not want GitHub plugins because they could be harmful, however I think that this Skript is perfectly safe as I've been using it for a long time on my other servers outside Aternos.
I see nothing wrong and I think that you should update the Skript plugin so it'll work on 1.15.2 (from the GitHub) despite the high demand of the plugin everywhere on the forums saying that Skript doesn't work. Yes, it doesn't because it is not up-to-date.
Therefore I advise the Aternos team to reconsider those requests and make an exception for Skript, and so that this plugin can be updated with the GitHub version, since the "official" ones on DevBukkit and Spigot are not compatible with recent versions of Minecraft.
If you have any specific reason why not to install this fork of Skript to Aternos, could you please tell us why so your customers will understand the reason(s) why?
Thank you.