I need to add php plugins for scoreHUD plugin
If i cannot pls suggest another way to do this
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I need to add php plugins for scoreHUD plugin
If i cannot pls suggest another way to do this
PHP files are executable code. They can contain any type of code, including malicious.
PHP files are executable code. They can contain any type of code, including malicious.
But the plugins are normal i checked
Code -
declare(strict_types = 1);
* @name BasicAddon
* @version 1.1.0
* @main JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons\BasicAddon
namespace JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons
use JackMD\ScoreHud\addon\AddonBase;
use pocketmine\Player;
class BasicAddon extends AddonBase{
* @param Player $player
* @return array
public function getProcessedTags(Player $player): array{
return [
"{name}" => $player->getName(),
"{real_name}" => $player->getName(),
"{display_name}" => $player->getDisplayName(),
"{online}" => count($player->getServer()->getOnlinePlayers()),
"{max_online}" => $player->getServer()->getMaxPlayers(),
"{item_name}" => $player->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getName(),
"{item_id}" => $player->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getId(),
"{item_meta}" => $player->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getDamage(),
"{item_count}" => $player->getInventory()->getItemInHand()->getCount(),
"{x}" => intval($player->getX()),
"{y}" => intval($player->getY()),
"{z}" => intval($player->getZ()),
"{load}" => $player->getServer()->getTickUsage(),
"{tps}" => $player->getServer()->getTicksPerSecond(),
"{level_name}" => $player->getLevel()->getName(),
"{level_folder_name}" => $player->getLevel()->getFolderName(),
"{ip}" => $player->getAddress(),
"{ping}" => $player->getPing(),
"{time}" => date($this->getScoreHud()->getConfig()->get("time-format")),
"{date}" => date($this->getScoreHud()->getConfig()->get("date-format")),
"{world_player_count}" => count($player->getLevel()->getPlayers())
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Sure, what you want to upload are normal, but you're not the only person who uses Aternos. There are other people who will try to upload malicious code intentionally.
OK then can i get any other way to put a scoreboard like score HUD in my server i am desperate!!!!
If you find one which doesn't require addons, sure
If you find one which doesn't require addons, sure
Can you recommend me anything
According to https://github.com/JackMD/ScoreHud versions before 5.0.0 dont need addons
Is this in the plugins list ScoreBoradsPE
According to https://github.com/JackMD/ScoreHud versions before 5.0.0 dont need addons
It doesn't work you have to update
k thanks but already go before