Why you rejected this plugin request - [Plugin Request] SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded| 1.16 Support! | New features! | 1.8x - 1.16x 5.2.0 check everything pay a little attention to this popular skywars plugin.And you don't trust it because of the external site.You are on the rating look and the reviews.Check everything and add it!
Rejecting the plugin for some unknown reason
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Even the Creator of the skywars reloaded plugin is exactly the same as skywars reloaded updated another proof
It has nothing to do with trusting him that's a technical limit. He should just upload the files on spigotmc directly
Moved the thread from forum Archive: Plugin/Mod/Modpack Request to forum Plugins. -
if he uploads them you will review my request again?
If they are directly on spigotmc and not on an external site and you make a new request then we will review it again
you can consider this request because you probably missed it -[Plugin Request] SkywarsReloaded Extension | Advanced Join Options | IMPORTING MAPS | NPCs | 1.8x - 1.15x 1.4.4
I'll wait until you accept the request sorry I just thought it was as fast as for example creating a new thread
That will most likely get added, yes
Closed the thread.