What has happenee to the quality of Aternos?
On march, I played Aternos on Forge 1.14.4 with 35 mods (25 mb) and we played a lot and the server went very good with a render distance of 10 chunks, with almost no lag.
Today, I've started a new server on Forge 1.15.2 with a lot of problems.
I had 40 mods (25 mb) and the server always crashed. I needed to quit 10 mods and the server has now 30 mods (22 mb)
This server goes with a render distance of 5 chunks and its too laggy (when breaking a block there is like 0,5 seconds of delay) and it's unplayable. On march, the other server took 5 minutes to open. Now, 9 minutes. What has happened?
The two servers have only Forge