Alex [ES] Helper
- Member since Jul 14th 2020
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For help regarding Aternos, we recommend you to visit our support center.
Ohh, this still works, yay
sorry for advertizing
Hi i am having the byte array problem please help
Please create a thread on the forums, my wall is not for support.
hey, I install some mods to my server but it when i want to get in this error appears "Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.io.UTFDataFormatException: malformed input around byte1"
Please create a thread on the forums, my wall is not for support.
[insert baby penguin from Madagascar the movie waving because forums don't let you use gboard GIFs]
No the baby penguin when the egg hatched
You chose the baby penguin when the egg hatched, I replied with smile and wave penguins
Ah right, you have free will
Kowalski, analysis. How's you?
Adapting to the university, studying, nothing new, what about you?
Hola, me podrías ayudar?
Tengo un error con mi servidor de aternos, he puesto una publicación para que alguien me ayude porque no veo nada en google.
hey, i need some help with my minecraft server. can you help me, please?
can you help me with my problem i search on youtube, there are not videos of that. HEEEEEELP PLEASE
helo sir pls read my thread
hey alex can u close my thread someone replied to it
I saw you closed the thread but Im trying to join a server me and my friends are running and it keeps crashing me and giving me nulls?
Hello, please create a new thread to ask for help.
hola queria saber si me pueden ayudar
lo que pasa es que tengo un servidor y estoy tratando de entrar y no me deja me sale io.netty.channel.abstractchannel$annotatedconnectexception:conexion rechazada:sin mas informacion
por favor, ayúdame
Hola, por favor crea un hilo en la sección correcta para que te podamos ayudarte.
Hi, helper Alex[ES]
Can you pls delete my this thread below 👇
board.aternos.org/thread/89665/Glad you will reply
hi, why do I have to do that?
if you can remove it pls remove it because the thread contains (👎x21) dislike which I don't want.
if i joined my server it says fatally missing registry entries
what do i do?
this is my log
hello! Please create your own thread to ask for help.
I need Help i get this Error when i try to Join my Friends Server:
Internal Exception: io.netty handler.codec.DecoderException: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected text to be a string, was ab object ({"fi...t"}) cant join sevrer
this is my client log : https://mclo.gs/wvAqVue
i also dont understand what its mean to create a thread
Go to the correct section and click "Create a thread".
where was the correct section mean?😅
“General”, “Aternos”, “Mods-modpacks”, “Plugins” and “Minecraft”. Those are the sections, choose the one you think is more related and create the thread there.
Bro ayuda por fa
Sé paciente, tarde o temprano te responderé pero recuerda que todos tenemos una vida ocupada en otras cosas.
hi, i am trying to create a server that is modded a bit for me and my friends. the mods name is "valhelsia structures" and i get this error saying "failed to synchronize registry data" how may i fix this
Please create your own thread to ask for help.
hi so did you remember that post you answer how to fix Internal Exeception string was an object so here I want to give you the link mclo.gs/4wkpFST
pls answer
If you created a thread then send the link there, if you didn't create a thread then do it with a proper description of the problem.
Hi can i ask you something
how did this guy with the name of zeeshan make two threads
Two threads where and about what?
hi also can you remove my thread so i can make another?https://board.aternos.org/thread/89877-join-the-best-lifesteal-smp-thelifestealgamers-aternos-me-44871-1-8-1-18-mostly/
I have the problem with fatally missing registry entries
this is log my server
this is my game
Please create your own thread to ask for help.
I need Help i get this Error when i try to Join my Friends Server:
Internal Exception: io.netty handler.codec.DecoderException: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected text to be a string, was ab object ({"fi...t"}) cant join sevrer
Thats the Log from my client: https://mclo.gs/a5WwuE9
ok kk i saw that i have to create a thread nvm...
That is correct
Hello koning willem-Alexander
Alex [ES]
Hola, no entiendo tu idioma. Lo siento.
Why you speaking french
Alex [ES]
Cómo que francés, lo único que sé decir en francés es hola, bonjour. Ahí acaba mi diccionario de francés lol