This plugin working with java 8 and can use at any spigot version. This plugin having updates news and newspapers feautures. This plugin used simple coding code.
Customizable Config
Easy To Use
Supporting %player% and %server% this two variable
Clickable text below the /news message of asking to get newspapers
Customizable newspapers
Colorcode Supported
Randomcolor code supported
Economy Supported
Can Create Header for your newspapers
Can Enable Or Disable Default Permission.
Can change 95% plugin messages
Download This Plugin From Website
Put Into Your Plugin Folder
Reload Or Restart Your Server
Configurate The File.
Alias: [updates]
Permission: Default / []
Alias: [updatesbook]
Permission: Default / [news.command.newspapers]
Alias: [nm]
Permission: Default
/newsmanager reload
Alias: [nm reload]
Permission: Op / [news.command.reload]
/newsmanager info
Alias: [nm info]
Permission: Op / [news.admin]