{MOD REQUEST} Pixelmon Extras (Generations)

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  • Pixelmon Generations needs it's extras mod. I would have put this request on the normal request form but it isn't on curseforge. It's only on it's official website. This is how pixelmon reforged is and I would expect the same for pixelmon generations. It add's more commands and better overall playability. It would be great to add this especially considering how much this helps on servers.

    Link: https://pixelmongenerations.co…/index.php?title=SideMods

    heres the link to look it over. it has all the side mods that are less popular too that might even be good to add at some point.


  • The downloads on that page direct to Google Drive where its not possible for us to automatically download them.

    Therefore we can't provide these.

    Message from a team member of aternos.