Hi, I have a server with mods with my friends and recently I can't join, is this: internal exception:.com google.common.util.concurrent.Uncheckedexecutionexception:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Recipe minecraft:wooden_door (net.minecraft.iten.c

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  • When I try to join to the server it appears a message on my screen : internal exception:.com google.common.util.concurrent.Uncheckedexecutionexception:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Recipe minecraft:wooden_door (net.minecraft.iten.crafting.ShapedRecipes@5b32e0b1) produces unregistered item minecraft:wooden_door (net.minecraft.item.ItemDoor@2c0a3826)

    I tried to join to a normal woorld and everything is ok, my friends can join perfectly without any bug.