Game crashing due to ticking entities

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  • Hi! I'm currently working on a modded server for my friends and I but everytime I try to join the server it crashes due to entity ticking. Is there any solution to this? I've been trying to figure this out for about a day and I would really appreciate some help. Thank you! <3
    (side note: I've loaded all the mods perfectly fine in singleplayer and i was able to play the game with no issues, but when i try to join the server, it crashes my game.)
    ((2nd edit: i took out the mo creatures mod along with the custom mob spawner mod and it fixed the crashing issue. Im pretty bummed about it though because mo creatures is an awesome mod that adds a lot to your game. if theres any solution i can get that doesnt include removing it that would be awesome))

    Edited 2 times, last by ttimberrr ().

  • If you were facing the issue in the latest version of the mod then contact the mod author