Help me please 😭

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  • Hi, I have a problem it says that is impossible to connect to my server because the mods are no compatible but every single mod is the same version, name and everything that I have on Aternos server and Minecraft, it just happened after I added a new mod, before I added everything was normal and now even if I delete the new mob it says that I can't join the server

    (I REINSTALLED THE SERVER, Even Minecraft and every mod ) it's still the same

    I just did an analysis but I don't understand

    Here is

    please can someone help me with this

    Edited once, last by sinn3ro: I just added the link ().

  • sinn3ro

    Changed the title of the thread from “Hello please” to “Help me please 😭”.
  • it looks like you are wanting to use optifine. so forge is the software you want to use. first, go to software and check if it is set to forge 1.19.4 (assuming that's the update you are using) if not, set it to forge 1.19.4(45.1.0). the second thing i got is check if all the mods are downloaded as forge mods, not fabric or quilt. the third thing i have, is check if the mods have specific dependencies, you can find a mod's dependencies by going to then going to a mod and clicking "dependencies".

    i hope this helps you out, i can maybe answer more problems if there's specifics

  • SmashHits i just did everything u said... And it still the same, the mods are the same version and forge, even the dependencies are the same , i don't know what to do at this point

  • What's the full exact error message when you try to actually connect to the server?

    Share your client log

    1. open your minecraft installation path

    (enter %appdata%/.minecraft in the file explorer )

    2. open the logs folder

    3. open the "latest" or "latest.log" file with a text editor

    4. copy and paste the content of the file to

    5. send the link here