Recently (actually, it was only since two days ago) that I noticed that we can access the "world", "world_nether" and "world_the_end" folder in the server's main directory. (the "world" folder works with any server like Vanilla, Bukkit, Spigot, Forge,... while the "world_nether" and "world_the_end" folders are exclusives for Bukkit and Spigot servers)
- "world" folder:
- "world_nether":
- "world_the_end":
So can you guys grant us the access to the bukkit.yml and the spigot.yml files in the same directory aswell? Because:
+ bukkit.yml: provides some customizable settings
+ spigot.yml: even more settings (mostly world settings, attributes settings and some message settings)
P.S: Although I have seen request similar to this, I just wondering if it was possible