For LOTR modded servers it is highly desirable to be able to adjust view-distance to lower values than the default (10). The entry could (and should) ofc be capped to 10 to avoid servers using unnecessary high view-distance settings.
This setting is relevant because view-distance allows to reduce the view distance the server uses, effectively reducing performance load. For LOTRmodded servers, this is a very effective lever to pull in order to ensure server performance is acceptable without having to expand memory. The world of Middle-earth has much more items and entities per chunk than vanilla Minecraft, so chunk performance load is simply higher. Many LOTRmodded servers have the view distance set to 6 when they launch and even keep it below 10 when their server world has been running for longer periods of time and less server capacity is required for new chunk generation.
Note that Aternos currently supports two Technic modpacks with the LOTRmod: LotRCircles and WOTRMC. Users of both modpacks will benefit a lot from being able to set the view-distance to lower values than 10, but this especially holds for LotRCircles as that modpack is much more demanding at both server and client due to the heavy duty additional mods in that pack.
Hope this will be considered.
Thanks and cheers,