Add view-distance (capped) to configurable options

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  • Hello,

    For LOTR modded servers it is highly desirable to be able to adjust view-distance to lower values than the default (10). The entry could (and should) ofc be capped to 10 to avoid servers using unnecessary high view-distance settings.

    This setting is relevant because view-distance allows to reduce the view distance the server uses, effectively reducing performance load. For LOTRmodded servers, this is a very effective lever to pull in order to ensure server performance is acceptable without having to expand memory. The world of Middle-earth has much more items and entities per chunk than vanilla Minecraft, so chunk performance load is simply higher. Many LOTRmodded servers have the view distance set to 6 when they launch and even keep it below 10 when their server world has been running for longer periods of time and less server capacity is required for new chunk generation.

    Note that Aternos currently supports two Technic modpacks with the LOTRmod: LotRCircles and WOTRMC. Users of both modpacks will benefit a lot from being able to set the view-distance to lower values than 10, but this especially holds for LotRCircles as that modpack is much more demanding at both server and client due to the heavy duty additional mods in that pack.

    Hope this will be considered.

    Thanks and cheers,


    The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

    Edited once, last by GrungeGrumpy: Capped. ().

  • GrungeGrumpy

    Changed the title of the thread from “Add view-distance to configurable options” to “Add view-distance (capped) to configurable options”.
  • Just an additional thought to keep in mind:
    Any mod that adds items and entities to the minecraft world basically increases cpu and memory load per chunk. So the need to reduce view-distance in order to maintain acceptable server performance is valid for many more mods and modpacks supported by Aternos, and not just the packs containing the LOTRmod.

    I'm honestly quite surprised view-distance adjustment hasn't been enabled yet as there are already many heavy duty modpacks in the Aternos library.

    The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

  • You mean adding a feature that set a specific number of the render distances on every mod/modpack? Like example: A modpack will change the view distance to 6, using another modpack will change the view distance to 10?


  • You mean adding a feature that set a specific number of the render distances on every mod/modpack? Like example: A modpack will change the view distance to 6, using another modpack will change the view distance to 10?

    Eh, no.

    I think he wanted to suggest lowering render distances on modpacks in favor of performance wich they are already doing afaik

    Eh, no.

    Apply K.I.S.S. please.

    As stated in the thread title: this concerns a proposal to add view-distance as configurable option. Which part of that apparently so unclear that you guys assume differently?

    Just like all other options server owners can set, the view-distance is a setting in This can be added in the already available menu using already available code. Only thing here is that you need to ensure the view-distance is capped to the maximum desired by Aternos. See the discussion in Discord I had withjoakimbr#0891 about this subject within an hour after I made my second post here. Search in: #support from: GrungeGrumpy#9407, yesterday. He got the point.

    The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

  • The maximum desired by aternos -> what they already have right now as the set render distance for servers but that they can be changed long as it's lower then what it is right now? Or the opposite, higher?

  • Lol. Unlike what you guys may have gotten used to, I'm not one of those many people begging for more. I'm asking for an option to lower view-distance. As explained in our Discord convo yesterday, this can have relevant benefits to Aternos as well, as it may lower the treshold for new modded servers to launch. People with experience with heavy duty modpacks are quite used to knowing that they can't have it all and they have to sacrifice view-distance (server side limited render distance) for the sake of acceptable server performance.

    The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

  • Ah, that's a pity. The incentive isn't sufficiently appealing? Modded servers getting improved performance while server capacity demands on Aternos side are reduced seems attractive to me. :)

    The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

  • Here's a bump to stress the relevance of being able to reduce view-distance for heavily modded servers.

    We now got some more experience with the WOTRMC modpack, where the LOTRmod determines server load per player. We can conclude that the number of slots we can use is so severely restricted that we can harldy play with 4 players on. Even with only 2 players on and both in a forested biome, we find the server performance is way below acceptable level, simply due to the fact that Aternos server have a default generation/loading depth of 10 chunks per player.
    See this update in the WOTRMC & LOTRmod support thread.

    So, please, please Aternos, add the support for us to reduce view-distance!

    It really shouldn't be that much work as it concerns a copy-paste coding job in the server options section and the consequences for Aternos are simply that performance for heavily modded servers can be increased by their owners and more people will be able to enjoy them.

    The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

  • Hey Roman,
    Thanks. That will certainly help for those servers.
    But I am certain this is not just an issue for servers using a modpack with the LOTRmod like WOTRMC and LotRCircles, but also helpful for servers using modpacks with many world generation affecting mods adding ores, structures and flora and fauna. So why not make this an option for server users to use?

    The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.