My server uses Spigot 1.9.4 and I'm the only one join. I had a problem that sometimes when I'm join and I type /login (password) it show nothing but sometimes it does show Login successsfully but after that I always stuck at spawn: i can't command, chat or interact with blocks.
My plugins: AuthMe, AntiXray,ChestCommand,ClearLagg,CrazyCrates,CustomEnchant,EasyKits,EasySetSpawn,Essentials,GriefPrevention,Holographic Displays,Yasuo,MarriageMaster,Multiverse-Core,MuteChat,MyItems,PermissionsEx,PlaceholderAPI,Protolib,PlayerPoints,PunishmentGUI,Shopkeepers,SkinRestore,StaffChat,SuperVanish,TitleManager,TrollBoss,Vault,Wild-TP,WorldEdit+Guard,iDisguise
I did check the log and it show no error in these plugins ! I also check the work of all plugins
Please help