So I created a server in Aternos and uploaded a lobby map, but when I checked whether I spawn in the lobby or not, I just fell out of the world and my lobby is above me. What should I do so that me and my friends spawn on the looby instead of falling out of world?
Set world spawn in lobby
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- GodMinerRuEv
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You have to set the spawn correctly using a plugin.
If you have OP, press F3 + N quickly to enter Spectator mode to find the map's spawnpoint and then press them again to go back into Creative. Make sure to do /setworldspawn after that
Get OP then do /gamemode creative then fly up to your lobby, hover just above the block you want to spawn on then do /setworldspawn . To test do /kill @a or /kill * if you respawn on the area that you wanted then you are set. But remember be slightly above the block you wanted to spawn on.
Hope this helps, QuartzWarrior
add /gamerule spawnRadius 0 so that your players will not respawn randomly on a certain block radius from spawn. Take note this will disable spawn protection as well.
Closed the thread.