Suggestion for improving queues to start server

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  • Hello,

    Recently I have been facing an issue which multiple people have been inconvenienced by. When starting a server (especially when the estimated time remaining is more than 15 minutes), having to confirm again when the time is almost up to actually start the server is an inconvenience. I understand that you have to do this to save resources and not have to start a server for 6 minutes only to have it shut down when somebody else could have been playing. My suggestion would be to allow users who always join as soon as the server is ready to be able to skip the confirm now button, especially if the wait time is longer than 15 minutes. If a user starts a server then doesn't join before it shuts down, that user will have to confirm before starting for the next 2 weeks or a month. Basically, allow users who always join to be able to skip confirming if the queue is longer than 15 minutes. This would allow the people who don't start the server then don't join from wasting your resources and would prevent the good users from being inconvenienced.

  • How would the server detect that?

    The server could keep a log of when was the last time a user started a server but didn't join. Then, if that is older than 2 weeks, the user doesn't need to confirm. However, if the user has started without joining in the past 2 weeks, he will be required to confirm when there around 300 people left in the queue (the procedure everybody has to follow right now). The cooldown period can be set to whatever you think is best.

    Along with that, if the user repeats this behavior within one week of the previous cooldown, the next cooldown period can be increased to 3 weeks and the period increases if the behavior is repeated.

  • It's pointless to add skip queue for that one, everyone needs to wait to keep it fair

  • It's pointless to add skip queue for that one, everyone needs to wait to keep it fair

    I am not talking about skipping the queue... I meant not having to confirm when the estimated time remaining is 1 minute for the server to actually start loading your world.

    Such systems aren't worth the effort that it brings, and our current system is fair and works well enough. If it inconveniences people then they should consider doing things differently.

    I don't think there's any effort involved... It just logs the last time the server stopped because nobody joined and then when the user is in the queue, it just checks if the user is in the cooldown period where he/she would have to confirm before starting the server.

    • Official Post

    1) Technically this is doable

    2) The effort is still higher than the real benefit.

    3) Such stuff make our platform much more complicated for the user. It's really hard to explain people why the one half have to confirm and the other not.

    4) This, in turn, is the trigger for endless discussions about why one belongs to one group and not to another.

    5) The people who miss the confirm button and get upset about it are the best proof why the confirm button is needed - because then he has done exactly it's job.

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.