More options in the Worlds tab on the website

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  • Here are some suggestions for improving the Worlds tab:

    • It's annoying to turn the server on and off every time I want to create a new world and upload something to it. So add an Add world button.
    • Add the rename button to rename the world.
    • I don't understand why every world has the same icon. for the main overworld of the world, you can leave the original, but for the nether, end and, for example, your own world, make the icons different. If you don't have ideas for icons, just replace them with letters.
    • I don't like it very much when the name in the card exceeds 12 characters, so the text in the card moves up from the middle (for example as end). Therefore, it would be nice if every card with the world was as long as a card with the overworld. This would also make more space available for the function buttons I mentioned earlier.
  • Add the rename button to rename the world.

    You can do that in the file

    It's annoying to turn the server on and off every time I want to create a new world and upload something to it. So add an Add world button.

    The only way to use multiple worlds is using Multiverse plugin

    I don't understand why every world has the same icon. for the main overworld of the world, you can leave the original, but for the nether, end and, for example, your own world, make the icons different. If you don't have ideas for icons, just replace them with letters.

    Do you mean the server icon? you can change it in the options of your server

    • Official Post

    It's annoying to turn the server on and off every time I want to create a new world and upload something to it. So add an Add world button.

    That's necessary.

    Worlds are loaded by the Minecraft server process when the server is running. If you upload a world while the server is running the world would just be broken.

    Add the rename button to rename the world.

    Keep the name default if there is no technical reason to change it (e.g. a mod requires it.)

    Additionally (In case of multiple worlds) it would be required to adjust the configuration of the multiworld plugin which requires development resources for something with a very low benefit.

    I don't understand why every world has the same icon. for the main overworld of the world, you can leave the original, but for the nether, end and, for example, your own world, make the icons different. If you don't have ideas for icons, just replace them with letters.

    1) Which other icon would represent other worlds?

    2) Adding letters would be dumb, you have the name of the world directly next to it...

    I don't like it very much when the name in the card exceeds 12 characters, so the text in the card moves up from the middle (for example as end). Therefore, it would be nice if every card with the world was as long as a card with the overworld. This would also make more space available for the function buttons I mentioned earlier.

    I don't really understand what you mean.

  • The only way to use multiple worlds is using Multiverse plugin

    I know, but I have to turn on the server (ca. +10 minutes) to write the plugin command /mv create example normal, then wait, then shut down the server (ca. +2 minutes) and only then can I upload! I didn't come to another way where I wouldn't lose 12 minutes, so it's probably not, so I want the Add world button

  • For me the text placement is correct.

    It's probably browser related, which browser do you use?

    1Nekritizuji text, ale velikost světové karty. Pokud by například název měl 30 číslic, jak byste s ním zacházeli? Mým nápadem je jednoduše už ne rozšiřovat světovou kartu

    2) I use Brawe Browser

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.