No Slime spawning

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  • Hi,

    I am playing on an aternos server in Java 1.16.4 with my friends and we wanted to build a slime farm.

    But now my problem: we are on height 16 and we have made a few tunnels and in each chunk a bigger place, I think this place is about 5x5x5 blocks tall. But after 2 hours of waiting no Slime spawned. When we finally gave up with searching we went to an slime finder website and saw that one of the chunks we had an room in was already a slime chunk. We made the room bigger, now it's about 10x10x10 blocks tall. But after another 2 or 3 hours of waiting no Slime has spawned.

    And now my question is it just bad luck or is there a problem that on aternos servers no Slimes are spawning or anything like this? If yes I want to know how to fix it.

    Thanks for your help =D

  • Probably mobcap is filled, which is usually what happens when you have multiple players on the server. Maybe light up the area more to increase the chances of spawning.

    I suggest using Amidst or chunkbase (I prefer Amidst) for more accurate seed checking.

    Since you guys digged already,why not dig the whole slime chunk? So there won't be any obstruction whatsoever. I suggest you watch gnembon's video about slime farm mechanics and their quirks when it comes to spawning.

    Edited 3 times, last by Mino ().

  • Probably mob capped is filled, which is usually what happens when you have multiple players on the server. Maybe light up the area more to increase the chances of spawning.

    I suggest using Amidst or chunkbase (I prefer Amidst) for more accurate .

    Since you guys digged already,why not dig the whole slime chunk? So there won't be any obstruction whatsoever. I suggest you watch gnembons video about slime farm mechanics and their quirks when it comes to spawning.

    Thanks a lot! We will try to dig the whole chunk hope it works then

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.