Modpack request

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  • Modpack URL…ragons-and-space-shuttles
    Modpack fulfills requirements

    Modpack contains a variety of mods from all categories

    Mod List:

    - Actually Additions

    - Actually Baubles

    - Additional Structures

    - Alchemistry

    - Alib

    - Animania

    - AppleCore

    - AppleSkin

    - Applied Energistics 2

    - Artisan Worktables

    - Artisan Integrations

    - Artisan Automation

    - Architecture Craft

    - Aroma Core

    - Aroma Backup

    - Astralsorcery

    - Akashic Tome

    - Anthenaum

    - AutoRegLib

    - Avaritia

    - B.A.S.E

    - Baubles

    - BetterFPS

    - Better Questing

    - Better Questing Questbook

    - Better Questing Standart Expansion

    - Better Questing Forestry Expansion

    - Better Builders Wands

    - Bdlib

    - BiblioCraft

    - Binni Mods

    - Blockcraftery

    - Blood Arsenal

    - Blood Magic

    - Bookshelf

    - Bonsai Trees

    - Botania

    - Botanic Additions

    - Brandons Core

    - Carrer Bees

    - Crafting Tweaks

    - Ceramics

    - Chameleon

    - Chest Transporter

    - ChickenChunks

    - Chisel

    - Chisel and Bits

    - Chunk Pregenerator

    - Clumps

    - CodeChickenLib

    - CoFH Core

    - CoFH World

    - Common Cababilities

    - Compact Drawers

    - Compact Machines 3

    - ContentTweaker

    - Controlling

    - CookieCore

    - Cosmetic Armor Reworked

    - Corail Tombstones

    - CraftStudio

    - CraftTweaker2

    - Connected Textures Mod

    - Cucumber

    - CustomStartingGear

    - Custom Main Menu

    - CreativeCore

    - Cyclic

    - CyclopsCore

    - Dank Null

    - DefaultOptions

    - DDSSUtils [special thx to dierke9!]

    - Doomlike Dungeons

    - Draconic Evolution

    - Dungoen Tactics

    - DiscordCraft

    - Dynamic Surroundings (Disabled)

    - Elulib

    - EnchantingTable

    - Ender Storage

    - Enviromentaltech

    - EvilCraft

    - Exchangers

    - Extended Crafting

    - Extraalechemy

    - Extra Cells

    - Extra Planets

    - Extrautils 2

    - Extreme Reactors

    - Fast Workbench

    - FastLeafDecay

    - Foamfix

    - Forestry

    - ForgeEndertech

    - Forgelin

    - ForgeMultipart

    - Furniture

    - FTB Utils

    - FTB Lib

    - Galacticraft Core

    - Galacticraft Planets

    - Galacticraft Tweaker

    - Gendustry

    - Gendustry JEI Addon

    - Giacomos Fishing Net

    - Guide-API

    - Guidebook

    - HammerLibCore

    - Hooked

    - Hunger Overhaul

    - Hunting Dimension

    - HelpFixer

    - IceandFire

    - Immersive Engeneering

    - Industrial Foregoing

    - Itegration Foregoing

    - Integrated Dynamics

    - Integrated Tunnels

    - Inventory Tweaks

    - Infernal Mobs

    - Iron Chests

    - JEHC

    - JEI

    - JER

    - JEI Bees

    - JEE

    - Just Enough Calculations

    - Journeymap

    - JRFTL

    - Large Fluid Tanks

    - LagGoggles

    - LibrarianLib

    - Llibrary

    - Loot tweaker

    - Loot Bags

    - LittleTiles

    - Little Opener

    - Magic Bees

    - Malisis Core

    - Malisis Doors

    - Mantle

    - Mcjtylib

    - ME Cababilities

    - Mekanism

    - Mekanism Generators

    - Mekanism Tools

    - Mekanism Ores

    - MicdoodleCore

    - Minerva Library

    - MJRLegendsLib

    - MobsPropretiesRandomness

    - Mod Tweaker

    - Mod Name Tooltip

    - Moreoverlays

    - Moreplates

    - Mouse Tweaks

    - Mowziesmobs

    - Morpheus

    - Modular Machinery

    - MrTJPCore

    - MTLib

    - Multimob

    - Mystical Agriculture

    - Mystical Aggriditions

    - Natura

    - Nature's Compass

    - NetherEx

    - NotEnoughID's

    - Nucelarcraft

    - Omlib

    - OnlinePictureFrame

    - OpenComputers

    - OpenModulaPassiveDefence

    - Openblocks

    - OpenModsLib

    - OpenModularTurrets

    - Overloaded

    - PackagedAuto

    - PackagedAutoEX

    - Pam's Harvestcraft

    - Pams' Cookables

    - Phosphorus

    - Pickle Tweaks

    - Placebo

    - PlusTiC

    - Pneumaticcraft Repressurized

    - Primitive Mobs

    - Progressive Bosses

    - Project Red Base

    - Project Red Compact

    - Project Red Fabrication

    - Project Red Integration

    - Project Red Lightning

    - Project Red Mechanical

    - Project Red World

    - Quark

    - Random Patches

    - Reauth

    - Reborn Core

    - Reborn Storage

    - Redstone Flux

    - Refined Storage

    - Refined Storage Addons

    - Refined Avaritia

    - Resource Loader

    - RFTools

    - RFToolsctrl

    - RFToolspower

    - Rockhounding Chemistry

    - Rockhounding Core

    - Roguelike Dungeons

    - RoughMobs2

    - Ruins

    - Rustic

    - Sledgehammer

    - Simply Jetpacks 2

    - Simply Backpacks

    - Smooth Font

    - Solar Flux Reborn

    - Spice of Life Carrot Edition

    - Special AI

    - Stargate Networks

    - Steves Carts

    - Storage Drawers

    - Storage Drawers Extras

    - StorageTech

    - Storage Cabinet

    - Sound Reloader

    - TAIGA (Tinkers Alloy Addon)

    - Tinkers Construct

    - Tinkers JEI

    - Tech Reborn

    - TeslsCoreLib

    - The One Probe

    - Thermal Cultivation

    - Thermal Dynamics

    - Thermal Expansion

    - Thermal Foundation

    - Thermal Innovation

    - Tinker Tool Leveling

    - Toast Control

    - Torchmaster

    - Tweaker Construct

    - Topaddons

    - Traverse

    - Twilight Forest

    - Underground Biomes

    - UniDict

    - Useful Railroads

    - Vanilla Fix

    - ValkyrieLib

    - Vies Craft

    - Vulcanite

    - WanionLib

    - Worley Caves

    - Wireless Crafting Terminal

    - Xnet

    - Zero Core

    - Zoesteria Biomes

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.