Is there a ban feature on the bedrock version, we have Been dealing with a certain player that has hacked our aternos 5 times now with VERY secure passcodes, he also keeps op-Ing random people that keep joining and using stuff to greif Please help
Ban feature on bedrock/greifers
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- GarrettSwag
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Bedrock itself doesn't offer ban commands.
Is there a ban feature on the Bedrock version? We have been dealing with a certain player that has hacked our server 5 times now even with very secure passwords! He also keeps opping random people that keep joining and using stuff to grief
Please help
Try finding a plugin
Try finding a plugin
Pocketmine, which supports plugins, already has a ban feature. Only the official Bedrock server software doesn't
pocket mine glitches out the server and makes people spawn in weird spots, and makes mobs and animals not spawn for some reason that's why we don't have ban plugins
Pocketmine lacks features including but not limited to animals and mobs (which can be fixed by installing the EntitiesX plugin)
It's either bedrock without the ability to ban or pocketmine, that choice remains yours.
Closed the thread.