So may i ask why the TPS is so low in this period, cuz before it wasnt

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And before it was not laggy with all my plugins, but now it is
Moved the thread from forum Feedback/Suggestions to forum Server. -
How would we know why your server TPS is low?
You probably did something wrong.
This article might help you:…rticles/360027350792-Lags
Nothing from here is on my server (cause)
Maybe Log helps:
Maybe Log helps:
Caused by BetterRTP or ClearLag.
Oh, well clear lagg is recommanded by many youtubers, so should i remove better rtp??
Clearlag is only recommended on large servers where it's actually beneficial. It's useless on Aternos servers and in most cases will only make your server perform worse. Similarly, RandomTP plugins don't really work well on Aternos servers because of the resources it takes to make this all work fluently, which we only have in limited capacity, so to answer your question, you probably wanna remove both.
Well i removed BetterRTP and now it works as fine, thanks
And i want to make my aternos server big
Do i need for that more resources?
I ask cuz i know that aternos has limited
Hi there!
I want to ask if it exists a plugin with ready builded lobby
After that, thread can be closed
When you have time, pls respond here and at my thread and check the Server starting problem i sent
Btw....can you tell me pls:
How can i make so that the players in Lobby can chat only on Lobby World and not met with messages from Survival World, and in tab aswell, to show only players from the world
Why is Xp disabled
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