Server Issue

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  • Hi,

    I've read a number of threads with this issue however I've not been able to fix it yet. Last week my server started crashing and I've determined it's an issue with my account connecting to the server. My server is a 12.2 Bukkit server, here's what I've done to troubleshoot:

    1. Had other friends connect to my server - no issues
    2. Had friends connect to my server from my computer - no issues
    3. I connected to my server from other computers - server crashes when I connect
    4. I downloaded my worlds, removed the userdata, uploaded the worlds - server crashes when I connect
    5. Opened the server on another computer - server crashes when I connect
    6. Reinstalled the server without uploading my worlds - no issues
    7. Uploaded only my world (not the nether or end worlds) - no issues
    8. Uploaded only the nether world (world and end world were vanilla) - no issues
    9. Ran a vanilla server - no issues
    10. Connect to another friends Bukkit server - no issues

    The issue seems to be with my account connecting to my server with my worlds loaded (with and without the userdata). I've searched the logs and found it indicates a possible java issue so updated my java which did not work (really shouldn't be an issue as no matter what computer I'm on I have the issue). I thought the userdata would be the issue however it isn't so are there any other files or folders that have data specific to my account which I can delete to find the issue?

  • Roman

    Closed the thread.